Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is Approaching

I can't believe Christmas is almost here! We just finished up buying for the kids and what a relief it is to have it done. There's still a lot to do before Christmas is here though.
Our Thanksgiving was great. We spent most of the day at my parent's house. We then spent the evening at Stevie's family gathering. It was a great day. We all had way too much to eat and had a blast. Matthew did have a little oops moment at Grandma and Grandpa's. He went head first off the deck and landed on the small concrete sidewalk. Luckily their deck is only a foot off the ground. He did manage to find the only pebble and cut his head a little. He had forgotten about it in less than a minute and was back to playing. Other than that it was a great day.
Our herd reduction is complete. We sold quite a few animals. The herd is so much nicer. We have also bred nearly everyone we had planned to breed this fall. Blessing was bred to Larkspur before he was sold. Minuet to Cruiser as well as Meg too. She will have our first Mini-Mancha kids. Anna, Fuchsia and Cha-Cha are bred to Revelation. Hallelujah, Faith, Secrets and Olympia are bred to River. I need to breed Birdie soon to one of the boys. Probably will be Revelation.
We have really taken off with chickens lately. We have been hatching lots of chicks. I do have some birds for sale right now to make room for hatchlings and to manage better for the winter. We're under construction with the chicken barn.
Well that about recaps what's happening here. Blessing has been naughty lately getting in the backyard repeatidly. Guess I need to go fix that. More updates coming soon!