Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Eggs, eggs and more eggs! No seriously we should be getting a lot more than what we are but I am thrilled they've started laying! Here's a photo of some of the eggs we're getting.

Eggs last week. Beautiful blue and green from Amreaucanas, back row brown/pink are the Blue hen's eggs and the front brown is the RIR in the chicken tractor with Ameraucanas.
My incubator is full of eggs now too. We have Silkies, Seramas, some of my own cross eggs, Ameraucanas, and some purebred bantams as well. I can't wait! Won't be long now!

Here are the eggs we've collect this week. The darker brown are RIRs as well as the tiny brown. The paler brown are the Blue hen's and the green are the Buff Ameraucana's.

Here is Revelation. Isn't he looking absolutely fabulous!?!?!

SGM S Faith's Revelation at 6 months old. He'll be servicing does soon!

I will be posting more about our chicks and chickens soon. The weather is cooling and the chicks are nearly fully feathered so its almost time to move outside. They've been hanging out in small pens during the day outside. They love it!

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