Friday, October 10, 2008

Mottled Cochin & Goat Herd Reduction

Well didn't I just luck out! Look at the oh so handsome new Mottled Cochin rooster we brought home with us over the weekend. Yes I was thrilled. Wish he'd had some hens to go with him though. Oh well. He's a good start to our Mottled lines. Since I don't have any Cochins laying or close to laying age yet, I've decided to pen him with the Easter Egger/Silkie cross pullet. Too pretty a roo not to have a girl!

New Mottled Cochin rooster!

We also ordered more chicks. This time I ordered 8 Gold Laced Cochin bantams. I received my 8 Cochins but also 9 Barred Rock or Black Sex-Link roosters too! What will I do with them? LOL At the same time my second clutch of eggs has started hatching. All 8 of my eggs (4 green, 1 blue, 2 EE/RIR & 1 Blue hen eggs) have hatched. The 5 bantam eggs left from 18 are still quiet. One has pipped. They're due tomorrow. I hope they hatch!

I'm doing a MASSIVE herd reduction. I've listed 2 bred does, 1 open doe, 2 mature bucks, 1 buckling and several doelings for sale. See my sales page at for prices, photos and pedigrees. I need to downsize. I've even listed for trades considering I need hay, building materials for coops and hay storage, fencing, etc. Just ask. Well that's about it for now. Wish us luck on our last clutch of eggs. I set a dozen last week and only 2 appear to be developing. :-(

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