Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1st Day of School in 1st Grade!

(Left: Hannah starting Kindergarden 2007.)

This morning I rose early to await the bus that will start picking Hannah up for school tomorrow. I waited for a long time, about 20 minutes before coming in and waking Steve to get Hannah ready for school. I stayed out till almost 20 after waiting on the bus and gave up. Steve went out instead while I helped Hannah get ready for school. Wouldn't you know it? The bus came only a couple minutes after he went out. I'd been out there almost 40 minutes! Uh! So aggrivating. Anyway, all to tell them she would start riding tomorrow, but we were taking her today so she could find her class and teacher.

When we were loaded in the car, set and ready to go I turned and looked at Hannah and asked her, "Are you excited?" She looked at me so seriously and said, "Yeah" all matter-of-fact like and then pointed to her face and said, "can't you see my face?" I about lost it. That was so cute and hilarious! ROFL
(Right: Matthew 2007)
I waited outside for her afternoon bus and she got off and we went in the house. (Rather hot outside.) I asked her what she thought of school. She said she liked and then stopped, turned to me and said, "I LOVE riding the bus!" She had wanted so badly to ride last year but she was just a in Kindergarden so we felt it was best that we took her and picked her up. Well this year it wasn't so easy to pick her up so with her enthusiasm to ride the bus and our limitations for pick-up we decided to let her ride the bus. I'm so glad she likes school and so far likes riding the bus. I hope this continues.

She did very well for her first day. Even had homework! She's growing up so fast!

Here's a photo of Hannah starting Kindergarden last year. We didn't get any pictures this year. Here's also Matthew that same day.

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