Friday, August 22, 2008

More Chicks Ordered & Goat Update!

The chicks are doing very well! I put them in their brooder yesterday but by the end of the day we upgraded to a bigger one. The one splash chick I was worried about has really become active overnight. I'm so glad!

Buttin'Heads Tachauna, our herd matriarch

I ordered more chicks. This time since they had a special, I ordered 35 Assorted Bantams. I'm anxious to get them and see what's in the mix. I do hope I get some Wyandottes and of course Cochins won't hurt my feelings any! There could be many different breeds and colors in the assortment. They should be shipped out next Wednesday and hopefully they'll arrive Thursday like this shipment did. I can't wait!

SGM AZ Danse The Cha-Cha, Contredanse's 2008 doeling that we retained to our herd.

We have decided to sell Potsie and Contredanse. I have a few others up for sale. I am thinking of reducing the herd to around 18 Nigerian does and with my 2 Lamancha does we'll have 20 does to go into the winter with. That seems like a good number. We're down to 4 bucks with Ace and Rue being sold. If I retain Civil's buckling we'll be back up to 5. He won't be big enough to do an breedings till well into the winter I would think. So I'm still on the fence about whether or not to keep him.

Better Blues Good 'N Plenty, beautiful blue-eyed doe who is for sale!

It took so long to build up our herd that it is just heartbreaking and downright hard to let them go. I'm fighting the temptation to keep them all though. And I am proud of myself for doing so. I just really feel that the herd has grown too large and as a result it hasn't been as much fun to have them when there's so many. So its best to reduce to around 20 does. That's a much nicer, easy to manage size for our family.

I've had quite a few people interested in Plenty especially and some interested in Hera too, but so far they're both still available. I really like these two too.

I'm waiting on the does to start going in heat so I can chart them and even breed a couple. The heat I guess is keeping them from cycling. I have tried walking a buck around the doe pasture and letting them smell and letting him blubber at the does some but still no signs of heat yet. I can't wait to see what our junior bucks can do! I am so excited to see the kid crop next year! I kept 10 doelings this year and 1 buckling. I hope I can refrain from retaining that many next year. Haha

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