Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chicks are Here!!!!

This morning while we waited for Hannah's bus to arrive I got a call from the post office that our new baby chicks had arrived! After I saw her off to school I came in, prepped a tub for a brooder and headed to the post office. When I got home I proceeded to mix up some grogel and add that to the brooder with some warm water as well.

I could hear the sweet little chickies chirping from inside their box. They were ready for some warmth and some food! So I cut the strap.

I took the top off to inspect the new babies and make sure they all made it through their journey alive. Yay! They did! They were huddled together but had faired the trip rather well. I dipped each chicks beak in the water and set it in the brooder. All 20 are doing really great! We had only one weakish chick and it has really perked up throughout the day. I'm thrilled! Already planning another order!

I am so far very happy with my cute little Cochins. There are 10 Birchen and 10 Blue. Looks like 7-8 Blue and 2-3 Splash. More pictures as they grow.

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