Sunday, August 17, 2008

Civil Kidded!!!

Civil kidded Friday after much anticipation and work! We watched her all day Thursday for signs that she was ready. She started contracting into the night so I figured she'd kid during the night. Well at 1am Friday morning I decided to go to bed. At 1:40am I couldn't sleep so I got up. I stayed up till Steve got home from work and we both sat up watching Civil. We both figured she'd kid any minute.

Steve decided to go to bed around 5am and slept till around 7am when I woke him and figured it was time to go down and feed the goats and check Civil. I washed up, lubed up and went inside her and felt that she was dialated just not progressing. Luckily the act of me going inside her stimulated her to push and before we knew it there were very very BIG feet presented. I felt in with a finger and could feel a nose too. So we waited till the feet were coming out and I gripped them and pulled. She pushed and pushed and I pulled and pulled. Finally we got the huge baby out. A HUGE cream/white buckling with blue-eyes!

We both bounced Civil and only felt belly. I went back inside her to see if there was another kid in there and did not feel one. She passed the placenta and that was that. Shew! We both got some rest after we were done with the birth.

Here he is...

Look at those blue-eyes! One more photo... We haven't decided yet if he's going to be retained or not. His dam's udder is very nice.

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